1. To host a meeting, an individual must have 6 months or more of sobriety. There is no time requirement to co-host or greet at our meetings. One does not need to be a homegroup member to sign up for a hosting, co-hosting or greeting position. An individual can hold more than one service position at a time, if there is need for it. An individual may only sign up to host one Daily Reflections meeting in a calendar year, unless there are unfulfilled positions two weeks before the new rotation. Each hosting, co-hosting, and greeting position is held for four months at a time (October – end of January, February – end of May, June – end of September).

  2. 5 Years of Sobriety required for Group Chair Position, with possible exceptions. 5 Years of Sobriety required for Treasurer Position, with possible exceptions. 1 Year of Sobriety required for all other Officer Positions. Length of time each Officer Position is held for:

-Group Chair – 2 Years
-Treasurer – 3 Years
-Secretary – 2 Year
-Literature Representative – 2 Years
-Coin Representative – 2 Years
-Sponsor Liaison – 2 Years

  1. Treasurer will handle the group’s PayPal account and finances. For security purposes, a second trusted servant of the group (with 1 year or more of sobriety) will have access to the group’s bank account. Every effort will be made to have the Group Chair as the second signer.

  2. A $1,000 Prudent Reserve is kept aside, to purchase:

Zoom account yearly ($160)
-Homegroup Website yearly ($120)
-Literature (10 of each book, $250, or as needed)
-Coins ($120, or as needed)

  1. Treasurer will check up on finances and disperse excess to Central Services (20% to Rockland County Intergroup, 30% to GSO, 20% to SENY and 30% to GSR). Once the finances reach $2,000 or every 3 months, the Treasurer will disperse the excess accordingly.

  2. Home Group Member List: Secretary keeps a list for Homegroup Members to reach out to each other if they choose, adds to it as people request to have their number shared, and disperses an updated Phone List through email as more people are added. The list is available upon request.

  3. Hour of Power maintains a sponsor list. If you need sponsor or wish to be a sponsor, please fill out the form on our website.

  4. At the 8AM Daily Reflections Meeting and the 6PM Beginners meetings, shares should be limited to 3 minutes.A time card is provided with the hosting guidelines.

  5. Meeting etiquette in a Zoom meeting is simple. Generally, don’t do anything here that you wouldn’t do in a live meeting. Turn off cameras if doing anything distracting. If you forget, the co-host will remind you by turning off your video.


  1. Business meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at 7:15 pm, after the 6 pm Beginners Meeting.

  2. New motions must be seconded before discussion. Follow “Roberts Rules of Order.”

  3. All new motions will be tabled until the next meeting and will be emailed to the group for their review. The motion will then be discussed and voted on.

  4. All motions need majority support to pass.

  5. Business meetings will be opened with the “we” version of the Tradition 2 Prayer.

  6. Any change to group conscience will need 3 months before it can be brought up again for discussion

  7. Any member can make a request to a group officer to hold an emergency business meeting. One week notice will be given for such a meeting.


  1. Hosts for the 8AM Daily Reflections Meeting and the 6PM Beginners meetings are not permitted to share.

  2. Hosting guidelines are a part of the group conscience.  Please refer to the website.

  3. At the 8AM Daily Reflections Meeting and the 6PM Beginners meetings, shares should be limited to 3 minutes.  A time card is provided with the hosting guidelines.

  4. Meeting etiquette in a Zoom meeting is simple. Generally, don’t do anything here that you wouldn’t do in a live meeting. Turn off cameras if doing anything distracting. If you forget, the co-host will remind you by turning off your video.

  5. A Host or Co-host can watch the amount of people with hands up, and bring awareness to the group.

  6. We do discourage cross-talk. Cross-talk is giving advice to others who have already shared, speaking directly to another person rather than to the group, or questioning or interrupting the person speaking at the time. Advising or lecturing, no matter how well intended or subtle, is cross-talk.

  7. Disruptive Participants and the Waiting Room: There may be a participant who disrupts the meeting, whether an Alcoholic under the influence, someone clearly cross-talking to a disruptive extent, or just someone outside of AA who is “Zoom Bombing” the meeting (displaying or saying inappropriate things at inappropriate times). If any member poses a threat to another member, or anyone attending the meeting, they can be asked to leave, put in the waiting room, or removed completely. More information about how to place someone in the waiting room or remove them completely can be found in the “Hosting Guidelines” section of our website.

  8. The wording in the meeting scripts are considered to be a part of the group conscience. Hosts may not deviate from the scripts.

  9. Hosting guidelines are a part of the group conscience.

  10. Hosts should mute their volume when others are speaking.

  11. The Hour of Power does not sign Attendance Verification Letters.


    1. All books are available at “Our Price, Your Terms,” and can be ordered through the hourofpowerrockland.com site, on the “Resources” page. We have five books available, and here are their suggested donations:

      -Big Book – $12.00
      -Twelve and Twelve – $11.00
      -Living Sober – $6.00
      -Daily Reflections – $12.50
      -As Bill Sees It – $11.00